Comprehensive Data Protection Services

At Aavex Technology Corporation, we offer advanced Backup and Disaster Recovery services designed to safeguard your data against any contingency. Our solutions are built on best practices in data security, including the advanced Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) and immutable backup strategies. 

data protection services

Key Service Features 

Recovery Point Objective (RPO) & Recovery Time Objective (RTO) 

We tailor disaster recovery metrics to your business needs. Aavex Technology Corporation aims to restore operations within your RTO, the targeted recovery time before significant business impact. We strive to minimize data loss to within your RPO, the maximum acceptable age of files to recover, ensuring operations resume smoothly.

3-2-1-1-0 Backup Strategy  

Ensures robust data protection with: 

  • 3 copies of data 
  • 2 different media 
  • 1 off-site 
  • 1 immutable/air-gapped/offline  
  • 0 errors during recovery. 

Immutable Backups

Protects against ransomware, accidental deletions and other threats by preventing alterations or deletions after data is written. The retention time, backup schedule and initial storage capacity will be determined by your business needs. This feature supports regulatory compliance, Standards, Cyber Insurance requirements and helps mitigate legal risks and enhance data integrity.  


Recognizing the unique needs of each client, our services are fully customizable to align with your specific business objectives. 

Aavex Technology’s Support in Calculating RPO, RTO, and MTD 

Aavex Technology Corporation will assist you with the process of calculating Recovery Point Objective (RPO), Recovery Time Objective (RTO), and Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD). Our team of experts will guide you through assessing data change frequency, evaluating business processes, and determining risk tolerance to ensure your disaster recovery planning aligns effectively with your business needs. 

data protection consultancy services

Cost and Management of Microsoft Services 

Service Costs 

Both the Azure Spot Instance and the Pay As You Go options will need to be purchased separately from Microsoft. These costs are not included in the primary service package provided by Aavex Technology Corporation and will be billed directly by Microsoft or through a qualified partner. Management and Monitoring 

Optional Onsite Appliance for Immediate Recovery

Enhance your backup strategy with our optional onsite appliance, which can run your servers seamlessly in the event of hardware failure. This feature provides an immediate failover solution, ensuring that critical business operations can continue without interruption. 

Compliance with Industry Standards 

 Our services are designed to meet various regulatory and insurance requirements, including HIPAA for healthcare, CMMC for defense contractors, PCI DSS for payment data security, and Cyber Essentials for UK businesses. We also adhere to CIS Controls and the Essential Eight for robust cybersecurity practices. 

Azure Spot Instance

Provides a cost-effective solution with variable availability, suitable for non-critical workloads. Please note that the Azure Spot Instance carries a risk of being preempted by higher-priority workloads. 

Azure Pay-As-You-Go Service 

Offers a more reliable uptime suitable for critical operations, ensuring that your services remain uninterrupted. 

Management and Monitoring

 Although the costs for Azure Spot and Pay-as-You-Go services are borne by you, Aavex Technology Corporation will manage and monitor the disaster recovery process. Our management includes setting up, configuring, and maintaining the disaster recovery solutions to ensure they meet your specified Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO). 

Customizable Reporting

We offer daily, weekly, and monthly reports, tailored to display the information you need. Reporting periods can be adjusted at any time to suit your changing requirements. 

Understanding RPO, RTO, and MTD 

Recovery Point Objective (RPO) refers to the maximum acceptable amount of data loss measured in time. It’s crucial for determining how often data backups should be performed. Lower RPOs require more frequent backups to minimize potential data loss. 

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is the maximum acceptable time that a process or service can be down after a disruption. It helps in planning the necessary investments in infrastructure to achieve minimal downtime and ensure continuity. 

Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD) is the longest time that a business process can be inoperative without causing significant harm to the business operations and its viability. 

Factors in calculating RPO, RTO and MTD Calculate RPO, RTO, and MTD 

Assess Data Change Frequency – How frequently does your data change? 

Evaluate Business Processes – What is the impact of downtime on business processes, revenue, and client retention? 

Determine Risk Tolerance  – What is the maximum Downtime your business can tolerate without severe consequences? 

The Importance of Calculating RPO, RTO, and MTD 

Calculating these metrics is essential for effective disaster recovery planning. They help organizations identify and prioritize the criticality of their data and systems, ensuring that backup and recovery strategies align with business needs. This alignment supports regulatory compliance and meets business continuity requirements. 


We ensure seamless integration and continuous support, safeguarding your data while accommodating both financial and operational needs, thus ensuring your peace of mind and the resilience of your operations.